Ades to Obs80

Convert observations in the new ADES format, produced by Astrometrica, to the traditional Obs80 format as required by several NEO analysis tools at the Minor Planet Center.

The conversion does not handle designation conversions for comet fragments, satellites or old survey designations.

ADES Report

Copy the entire contents of your Atrometrica ADES report file, and paste it into the ADES Report textbox below.


Press the Convert button. The ADES data is converted to Obs80 format. Note there is an inherent loss of precision when converting to Obs80 and you should always submit your raw ADES data to the MPC when making reports.

Obs80 Report

The Obs80 format observations will appear in the 80-Col Observations textbox below, they are also placed in your clipboard ready to paste into whatever online tool you are using.

ADES Report

80-Col Observations

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