Merge Comet Observations

When observing a fuzzy comet there is a danger that presence of a coma and tails will drag a normal PSF measurement away from the true nucleus position. In Astrometrica, you can use the Centroid button and a normal (or larger) aperture setting to get a magnitude including as much coma as you like. Then use the Background and Range adjustment to reduce the comet image to a small cluster of bright pixels, change to a small aperture that will just fit the cluster, and make a measurement of position in the normal way. That should be the nucleus position.

The purpose of this page is to merge the separate position and magnitude observations into a single report for submission to the MPC. 

Measure Magnitude

When making the Magnitude measurement add a Note code to the observation. Any code other than "K".

Measure Position

When making the position measurement DO NOT add any Note code ("K" will be automatically inserted for a stacked image). 


Copy and paste the entire contents of the ADES Report file into the ADES Report textbox and press Merge. The combined report will appear in the lower window and will be available in your clipboard ready to paste into an empty .psv file for submission to the MPC. Check it to ensure it has achieved the desired result 

ADES Report

Merged report

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