Rapid update with NEO orbits

MPCORB is a file supplied by the Minor Planet Center (MPC) containing orbital elements for all known asteroids for which it is possible to calculate orbital elements. That means over a million of them!

The file is used by various programs to calculate the position of an asteroids at a point in time. In particular, it is used by Astrometrica to calculate where in an image an object should appear. This feature is used by A-Team members to help identify objects of interest in images acquired from telescopes.

A problem arises in that newly discovered objects, and those undergoing a close approach to Earth may not have the most up-to-date orbital data in MPCORB. This update program replaces all Near Earth Asteroid orbits in MPCOrb with orbits with an Epoch of "midnight tonight" based on the most recent observations. It also adds any recently designated NEAs that may be missing from MPCOrb.

Download the .zip, read the User Guide.

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