Potential A-Team targets.


Sel Id Mag Score RA(h) Dec(deg) Status Observations

NEOs and others

Sel Id Pri Mag Unc "/m Orbit RA(h) Dec(deg) Last Obs.


Data is based on the MPC's NEOCP and Dates of Last Observation of Unusual Minor Planets. It may contain Centaurs and TNOs as well as NEOs. It may not contain all potentially visible NEOs.
The visibility of objects is estimated from RA/Decl positions in the MPC listing at the time of publication. This may be a few hours away from your planned observation, and may lack of accuracy for fast movers. Visibility implies that the object should spend at least one hour above the specified altitude.
Priority is taken from the ESA NEO Coordination Centre (used to be Spaceguard).
To obtain Ephemeris:

  • Set the field "Hours +/- to start of Ephemeris" to the number of hours from "now" until the Ephemeris should begin.
  • Select which objects you want ephemeris for using the check-boxes.
  • Press the Ephem button below the appropriate list.

Ephemeris will be shown at 30m intervals from the selected start time and for a time span roughly equivalent to the length of astronomical darkness at the observatory.

© Tony Evans 2022-24 

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