
Slooh.com requires that members wishing to submit observation reports to the Minor Planet Centre should follow a set of tutorials and demonstrate their ability to produce high quality measurements.

The tutorials are available to Astronomer-level members of Slooh.com who are also members of the A-Team Club/Workspace. The Introduction to the A-Team Tutorials is available to anyone. However, access to Levels 1, 2 and 3 is password protected. Please ask in the A-Team Club on the Slooh.com website for further information. 
Level 1

Set up missions to image easy -target asteroids.
Install Astrometrica and use it to measure the position of your target.

Level 2

Set up missions to Near Earth Objects (NEOs) and  measure their positions.
Install Find_Orb and use it to test the quality of your observations.

Level 3

Set up missions to confirm recently discovered objects.
Techniques for measuring the position of fuzzy comets. How to report new discoveries.

© Tony Evans 2022-24 

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